Statements: PRINT expr[, ;]expr[, ;]... GOTO linenum GOSUB linenum RETURN END LET var=expr var=expr INPUT ["prompt",]var[,var[,var...]] REM remark IF expr [= <> < > <= >=] expr [THEN] statement POKE addr,value DPOKE addr,value USR(addr [,value [,value]]) OUT port,value PLOT x,y CLS Functions (useable in expressions) PEEK(addr) DPEEK(addr) USR(addr [,value [,value]]) FRE() INP(port) FLG(flag) RND(range) Variables: A through Z 16-bit signed integer variables Notes: A space is required after line numbers No check is done to see if line numbers are in order, lines will be compiled in the order they exist in the source file Multiple statements may be placed on a line, separated with a colon (:) Both GOTO and GOSUB support computed jumps, so you could do GOTO A*1000 and if A containd 5, for example, an attempt would be made to jump to line 5000. If the jump target does not exist then an error will be printed and the program will terminate. TBC [options] filename -L - show program listing -H - halt on errors