Quest for the Unicorn
v 7.0
Mike Riley

Quest for the Unicorn is a game belonging to the Rogue/Hack genre of games. In Quest you create a character and travel the lands of Halkanar in search of the long lost Unicorns. Quest is a very complex game containing not only the main quest, but many sub-quests. Quest contains over 60 different dungeons, many containing usefull items, or valuable information.

About the HC version

HC stands for Hard Core. This version was created to appeal more to the more hard core rogue-like fans. To accomplish this two main changes were implemented. First to change the orginal graphic interface to a pure ascii based interface. The second change was to add permadeath, you die, and there is no recover since the save file is deleted when it is loaded.


Quest of the Unicorn, hereafter called "Quest" has its roots all the way back in the 1970s, when I was playing Dungeons & Dragons. I had always wanted the ability to play some form of D&D on the computer. My first attempt at such a program was done on a TRS-80 Model I and had a format much closer to the game "Adventure" than anything else.

In the early 1980s I had acquired a Tandy-1000 computer and shortly afterwards I was given a copy of the game "Rogue." This game quickly ended up my favorite game at that time, at last I had some D&D-like game to play.

In late 1983 to early 1984 I had discovered and read "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant" by Stephen R. Donaldson and was enamoured with the world those books took place in and thought that it would be a great setting for a computer game.

I had also just acquired Turbo Pascal 3.0 and wanted to learn Pascal. At this point all the interests converged and I began working on a game that was patterned after Rogue, but set in the world of "The Land", the place where all the action takes place in the "Thomas Covenant" books.

When I first started designing my new game, which would end up being titled: "The Land", I looked at the things that I did not like about Rogue, and came up with the following things:

Next I laid out my design goals for my game:

I began actually coding the game in mid 1984 and spent a year on the initial project. In mid 1985 version 1.0 was complete and I uploaded it to the local FIDO-Net BBS (Sacramento, CA). Within a week "The Land" had become the number one downloaded file and within 6 months it was spread across the globe, all in the pre-Internet age!

Several years later I had decided to make a new game based upon the codebase of "The Land", this time improving on some of the drawbacks in the original code. First, "The Land" had much of its data hard coded which made creating another game from the same engine really difficult. Second, "The Land" was my project for learning Pascal and contained a lot of bad coding practices. This new game would be completely original in its setting and was patterned after my real-world D&D campaigns that I had designed in the 70s. It was to include many of the towns and dungeons that I had used in my D&D and would take place in the same land, Halkanar.

My main design goals of this new game were:

I began coding the new game, as yet untitled, in early 1989. I took the original codebase from "The Land" and refactored it to remove any data used by the engine to exist entirely in the data files. Afterwards I worked on expanding the capabilities of the engine. After the main game engine had been reworked and layout of the world, including towns and dugneons. The upland world was 12 times larger than the world in "The Land" and contained over 60 dugeons and a dozen towns. Even tho there are a large number of dungeons, only about 5 were necessary to completing the main goal of the game. The rest contained useful items that if gone after would make the end goal easier.

The game was completed in 1990 and uploaded to my local BBS, again pre-Internet days here. "Quest for the Unicorn" underwent several revisions between 1990 and the mid 90s, mainly fixing bugs and adding a host of features as computer hardware became more capable. Sometime in the mid 90s the last version for MSDOS was released, version 2.1.2. A version 4.0 was created when I had upated my Turbo Pascal to a new version, but never publicly released.

In the mid-2000s I decided to port the codebase for "Quest" from Pascal to C, a project that took me nearly 2 years, working on it off and on. Version 5 was the first c version and was distributed only on my website in the late 2000s.

In 2010 I decided to take "Quest" back to its roots and patterend it more after the game "Rogue" by replacing the graphic tileset with an ascii graphics interface.

Command Line Switches

-d=depth - Set maximum dungeon depth (>1 and <=10)
-h - Enable heroic mode
-e - Enable epic mode
-n - Enable normal mode
-c - Casual mode
-at - Enable auto target mode
-nat - Disable auto target mode
-apg - Turn on auto pickup gold
-napg - Turn off auto pickup gold
-apt - Turn on auto pickup torches
-napt - Turn off auto pickup torches
-aod - Auto open doors, will open doors when run into
-naod - Turn off auto open doors
-asw - Auto bump walls, perfroms <s>earch command when running into wall
-nasw - Turn off auto bump walls
-ac - Turn on arena combat mode
-nac - Turn off arena combat mode
-eds - Enable dungeon scaling
-nds - Turn off dungeon scaling
-fcd - Full combat damage between party and monsters
-rcd - Reduced combat damage between party and monsters
-mc=cnt - Number of monstes/groups that can spawn on a level
-dr=ms - Delay for ranged combat visual effects
-dh=ms - Delay for successful hit visual effects
-dt=ms - Delay fro trap visual effects
-w=width - Width of window (Graphics version only)
-h=height - Height of window (Graphics version only)
-m - Monochrome mode (Text version only)
-clr - Color mode (Text version only)
-s - Show stats/settings and exit

Long options

Long option Equivalent to short option
ArenaCombat -ac
AutoOpenDoors -aod
AutoPickupGold -apg
AutoPickupTorch -apt
AutoSearchWalls -asw
AutoTarget -at
Casual -c
Color -clr
DungeonScaling -eds
Epic -e
FullPartyCombat -fcd
Heroic -h
Monochrome -m
NoArenaComabe -nac
NoAutoOpenDoors -naod
NoAutoPickupgold -napg
NoAutoPickuptorch -napt
NoAutoSearchWalls -nasw
NoAutoTarget -nat
NoDungeonScaling -nds
NoFullPartyCombat -rcd
Normal -n
ShowStats -s
DelayHit -dh
DelayTraps -dt
DelayRanged -dr
Depth -d
MonsterCount -mc
Width -w
Height -h
downgradedepth depth Permenently change the maximum depth in a saved game
downgradearena Permenently turn off the arena comabe mode in a saved game.
FKeyGear Unshifted F keys select gear
FKeyMacros Unshifted F keys select macros
FKeySpells Unshifted F keys select spells
FKeyWeapons Unshifted F keys select weapons
Fn=macro Assigne Fn macro (Ex. F1=Rs)

note: Switches -d, -c, -h, -e, -mc, and -ac, -nac only have an effect on a new game. These switches will have no effect on a game that is loaded. A loaded game will have the modes set when the character was created.

note: Using -downgradedepth can only make dungeons shallower to a minimum depth of 2. You cannot specify a depth that is greater than what the save file is currently set to.

note: Using -downgradearena allows you to permenently turn off the arena combat mode in a saved game. Once it is turned off you cannot turn it back on.

WARNING! There is a downside to decreasing the dungeon depth, turning off arena combat mode or decreasing the monster spawn rate in that with fewer monsters to fight you will gain levels at a slower rate and also with fewer battles means fewer drops and fewer chances to have that really special piece of gear drop.


The game will look for and load options from the file 'unicorn.cfg' All the command line options except the downgrade options may be specified in this file. This way if you have common options you like to use, you can put them in this file and then you will no longer need to specify them on the command line.

Character config file

New to version 6.3 is the ability to load character specific config files. Character config files are checked after the unicorn.cfg and command line arguments are parsed. As such the character specific config options override all others. To create a character specific config file, name it after your character with a .cfg extension. For example, If you character is named Xun, then the character specific config file would be named Xun.cfg. The main use for character specific configs is how the function keys are used. For example on a warrior you may prefer the function keys access the gear manager while on a mage you would want them to access your spells. Or you may want to define different macros depending on the character.

Loading a Saved Game

To load a saved game, just specify the name of the save file (no extension) on the command line. ex. UNICORN JUDY

Modes of Play

Quest now suports 4 modes of play. They are as follows:

Normal - This is the standard mode. Players qualify for scores as well as rebirth. Monsters are at the normal level. Permadeath is active in this mode.

Heroic - This is meant to give more of a challenge. This mode also qualifies for scoring and rebirth. Monsters are double the strength of those in normal mode. When a score is recorded in the heroic mode the exp field will be shown in red to show that the score was obtained in heroic mode. Like normal, permadeath is active in this mode.

Epic - This is an even tougher game. This mode qualifies for scoring and rebirth. Monsters in this mode are 4 times stronger than those in normal mode. When a score is recorded in the epic mode the exp field will be shown in purple to show that the score was obtained in epic mode. Like normal, permadeath is active in this mode.

Casual - This is meant for a more casual game. In this mode permadeath is not active. If you die you can reload from your last save. As a consequence of playing in this mode no scores will be recorded and you will not qualify for the Ritual of Rebirth.

The mode is set when the character is created. If the -h, -e, or -c command line switch was provided when the program is run for a new character then the mode of the character will be set to the appropriate switch. After the character is created there is no longer a need to provide the mode switch when starting the game, it is automatically recorded in the character data.

Upland Commands

8 - Move up
2 - Move down
4 - Move left
6 - Move Right
7 - Move up and left
9 - Move up and right
1 - Move down and left
3 - Move down and right
i - Show inventory
Q - Quit, no save
X - Exit with save
> - Enter dungeon or town
e - Eat
h - Hunt for food
E - Enter/Exit a ship
R - Show player record
{ - Save weapon set
[ - Recall weapon set
} - Save gear set
] - Recall gear set
? - List commands

Dungeon Commands

8 - Move up
2 - Move down
4 - Move left
6 - Move Right
7 - Move up and left
9 - Move up and right
1 - Move down and left
3 - Move down and right
5 - Run
Q - Quit, no save. note: This will abandon the character
X - Exit with save
> - Down level
< - Up level
s - Search
o - Open a door
c - Close a door
J - Jam a door closed
i - Show inventory
g - Get an item
q - Show quest log
u - Use an item
E - Enter/Exit a ship
f - Fire weapon in right hand
m - Cast a magic spell
M - Show mini map (Text version only)
n - Take a Nap
t - Talk to an adjacent character
T - Throw an item
j - Join another member to your party
p - Party commands
l - Light a torch
L - Show message log
w - Say a Word of Power
b - Buy an item (Must be standing near a merchant)
S - Save and exit
R - Show player record
H - Show icons
x - Transcribe spell
- - Throw left hand
= - Throw right hand
{ - Save weapon set
[ - Recall weapon set
} - Save gear set
] - Recall gear set
? - Show commands

Combat Commands

8 - Move up
2 - Move down
4 - Move left
6 - Move Right
7 - Move up and left
9 - Move up and right
1 - Move down and left
3 - Move down and right
i - Show inventory
g - Get an item
u - Use an item
f - Fire weapon in right hand
m - Cast a magic spell
T - Throw an item
p - Party commands
V - Turn sound on/off
R - Show player record
H - Show icons
- - Throw left hand
= - Throw right hand
{ - Save weapon set
[ - Recall weapon set
} - Save gear set
] - Recall gear set
? - Show commands

F-key usage

Mode Fkey Shifted Ctrl Alt
----------- ------------ ------------ ------ ------------
FKeySpells Spells Save Weapons Macros Load Weapons
FKeyWeapons Load Weapons Save Weapons Macros Spells
FKeyGear Load Gear Save Gear Macros Spells
FKeyMacros Macros Save Weapons Spells Load Weapons

Status Indicators

There are status inidcators in the upper left area of the screen just below the main stats. These give you indications of states your character might be in:

L - The player has light
S - The player is shielded (protection effects from used items)
P - The player is poisoned
H - The player is hasted
G - The player is under the effects of Giant Strength
F - The player has resistance to fire
C - The player has resistance to cold
Z - The player has resistance to electricity
A - The player has resistance to arcane
V - The player is levitating
M - The player has resistance to mind attacks
E - The player is ethereal
e - The player is ethereal, but the effect is about to run out


Version 6.3 introduced the ability to use macros. Whenever you have something that you do that requires the same keystrokes, you can create a macro for it. Macros can also be used for mixed use of the F keys, for example, you can assign some F keys to select weapons and others for casting spells.

Macros at this time can only be defined within the .cfg files, either the global unicorn.cfg or a character .cfg. Note that like other options, a character .cfg that defines macros will override macros assigned to the same keys defined in unicorn.cfg. This allows you to define macros that can be used globally amongst all your characters, and others that are character specific.

Here is a sample .cfg file from one of my paladins that shows how to create macros:


The FKeyMacros line specifies that I want the unshifted F keys to be assigned to the macros instead of spells. Normally macros are executed with <CTRL><Fkey>.

The other lines define my macros. M1 through M4 give me single key access to 4 different weapon sets in my gear manager. M5 gives me single key cast of Find Traps spell, M6 will cast Protection From Evil, M9 will cast Slow Poison, and M10 will cast Cure Light Wounds.

Notice how the macro definition is just simply the keys you would normally press inside the game. The only difference is the $E, when the macro expander sees the $E it actually replaces it with the <Enter> key, and $e will be replaced by the <Esc> key. To specify arrows, just use the number pad number equivalent, for example left arrow would be 4, right arrow would be 6.

Let me also explain about my spell casts. When you use the <m>agic command, you only need to type enough letters to make the spell name unique, the rest of the name will come up automatically. In the case of my paladin, he only knows those particular 4 spells and so only needs to type the first letter of each spell for it to be unique. When my paladin learns Cure Serious Wounds, then my F10 macro will no longer work, since c is no longer capable of identifiying a complete spell. In which case I will have to change my F10 macro, if I want to keep it as Cure Light Wounds, then I would change the macro line to read:

M10=mcure l$E

Macros can be executed in towns, dungeons, or arena combats. They cannot be used upland, as the F keys have special meaning upland if you possess a particular artifact. Macros also cannot be triggerd in subscreens (inventory, character record, etc). However, if you want a macro to do something with your inventory, you can put in your macro the ability to enter inventory and do something. For example, you could create a macro like this:


If you keep an identification item in slot j (Belt Back), then this macro will allow you to identify the item in slot c (Left Shoulder), just by pressint <CTRL> <F8>, or just <F8> if you are using FKeyMacros.

Another good use of macros is if you have a piece of gear that grants you a special action when worn, but you do not want that piece of gear worn all the time. For example, on one of my characters I have a Robe of Eyes, but its protection value is not as good as my main cloak, but I would like to use the power of the Robe of Eyes when entering a new dungeon level. I have this macro defined:


This macro equips the cloak that I have in the last slot of my pack, uses it and then swaps it back for my main cloak. Now all I have to do is press <F9> and I have single key access to the power of the Robe of Eyes, while not having to move gear around manually to use it.

So, macros can only be triggered from the main screen, but macros can go into subscreens to do things.

There is also one more place that a macro can be executed, and that is during name entry on new character creation. I have in my unicorn.cfg macros like this:


I can hit F10 after entering my new characters name (Before pressing <ENTER>!) and the macro will hit all the remaining keys to build me a male elf paladin with stats appropriate for a paladin. I have such macros for all the base classes. When I want to start a new character all I need to do is enter the name and press the F key for the class that I want to build.

Item Merchants

There is a new method for navigating the inventories of most item merchants. The keys available for browsing through their inventories are:

<8><Up Arrow> - Move the selection cursor up, will scroll if there are more items above.
<2><Dn Arrow> - Move the selection cursor down, will scroll if there are more items below.
<9><PgUp> - Will scroll upwards one page worth of items.
<2><PgDn> - Will scroll downwards one page worth of items.
<7><Home> - Move to the first page of items.
<1><End> - Move to the last page of items.
<I> - Pull up the info card for the selected item.
<Enter> - Purchase selected item.

The <a> through <r> keys will also instantly move the selection arrows to the row marked by the appropriate key.

Persistant Dungeons

The RNG used for creating dungeons is now tied to a world seed that is generated when you create your character. This means that the floor maps will remain consistent for your character anytime you revisit the same floor of a dungeon. This persistance extends to the rooms, corridors, doors (secret and normal), traps, alters, and runestones. This makes it possible for you to draw maps of your dungeons that you can then use to navigate dungeons in the future. If a character goes through the ritual of rebirth then a new world seed is generated and therefore a whole new set of dungeon maps.

In addition to the persistant maps, dungeon contents (items laying on the floor and living mobs) will remain persistant until the dungeon is reset. So if you left an item and some mobs on level 1, leave the level and come back, you will find level 1 exactly how you left it, the items will still be there and the same mobs will be there. Mobs are now spanwed only when the dungeon is reset, so you can even leave the dungeon, go to town, and come back and the dungeon will be just how you left it, mobs, items, explored territory will all be as you left it.

A dungeon is reset under two condtions, either entering it for the first time or if you visited a different dungeon prior to reentering a dungeon. so you can leave, come back, leave, come back, all you want and the dungeon will stay how you left it so long as you do not enter another dungeon, at which point a reset will occur.

When a dungeon resets all items and mobs currently in the dungeon will be removed and all levels of the dungeon will spawn new random mobs. You will also forget any explored territory in a reset dungeon and must explore it again. Of course if you drew maps of the dungeon floors, you should have no difficulty finding your way around.

Gear Manager

A simple gear manager has been added to the game that allows you to save up to 10 gear configurations. This allows you to easily change out your gear depending on the situation. For example you could put your main battle gear in slot 1, your ranged gear in slot 2, your anti-magic monster gear into slot 3, MLV gear into slot 4, etc. The gear manager allows you to swap just your weapons or all your equipped gear. The slots saved by the gear manager are: Main Hand, Off Hand, Neck 1, Neck 2 All 4 ring slots, Armor, Shield, Helm, Cloak, and boots.

The following new commands have been added with the gear manager and may be used in dungeons, arena combat mode, and upland:

{ - Save just your main and off hands to a specified gear slot
[ - Recall just your main and off hands from a specified gear slot
} - Save all equipment to a specified gear slot
] - Recall all equipment from a specified gear slot

When using any of these commands you will receive a prompt for which gear slot is to be used, 0 through 9.

Charged Throwables

Charged throwables have now been added to the game. So far there are only two kinds, bags of rocks or throwing stars. These items are used with the <t>hrow command and must be held in either your main or off hand. If held in your off hand you may also equip a single-handed weapon in your main hand. When <t>hrowing a charged throwable one charge will be used each time you throw. Once all the charges are used up then the item will disappear from inventory.

Auto Heal Item Selection

Now when you use the <h>eal command, if your healing skill is on cooldown a healing item will be found in your inventory and used instead. Healing items are bandages, healing potions, scrolls, etc. The first item found will be the item used. The search for a healing item starts with main inventory and searches from top to bottom. If no healing item is found in your main inventory then your pack will be searched, again from top to bottom. You can influence which items will be used for healing by the order you place them in your inventory. You can of course still use the <u>se command if you want to heal with a specific item.

Auto Eat Item Selection

The <e>at command will no longer ask you to select an item to eat. The <e>at command now searches your inventory for a food item and consumes it automatically. The inventory search works like it does for healing items, so if you want to influence which item the auto-eat used, place it earlier in your inventory. If you wish to eat a specific item then you can still <u>se a food item from inventory. the <e>at command works this way both upland and in dungeons.

Auto Selection

The commands: <o>pen doors, <c>lose doors, <t>alk and <j>oin will now no longer ask you for a direction if only 1 choice is possible. If only a single choice is possible the action will be carried out without further input from the user. If more than one possibility exists for these commands then the game will ask for a direction.

Ranged Targeting

There is a targeting system for when attacking ranged targets. When you select an action that requires a ranged target you will get a message in the message area to "Select Target" and you will get a red * symbol on your character. Use the normal movement keys to move the targeting * to the point you wish to target the ranged action. Once you have the targeting * on the target press <enter> to perform the action. Ranged actions come in two forms, ones that will stop at the targeted spot and ones that will keep going until they hit something. <t>hrow and <f>ire are both targeted actions, whatever you are throwing/firing will stop where you specified with the targeting *. Most magic spells and ranged staves will continue on past the target until they hit a monster or other obstacle. In all cases if the projectile hits something before reaching the target spot, it will stop and possibly affect what it hit.

Dual Wielding

All classes are capable of dual wielding once some basic requirements are met. First the character must have a minimum skill level of 25 in Combat, then the character must have a minimum skill level of 25 in the weapon types being dual equipped. For example, to equip a sword and a hammer the player will need a Combat skill of 25+, an Edge skill of 25+ and a Blunt skill of 25+.

The weapon equipped in the offhand position will only do 50% of its normal damage. While dual wielding weapons your shield will not contribute to your armor rating. Any enchantments or socket effect on your shield will still work.

Effects of base stats

Strength - Increases melee damage
Dexterity - Increases chance to hit/chance to dodge
Intelligence - Increases chance to hit with magic
Wisdom - Increases mana regeneration
Constitution - Increases health regeneration
Charisma - Improves haggling with vendors

Mutable Weapons/Armor

There is a class of weapons/armor that can take on numerous attributes. These items will vary in strength and number of enchantments based upon the level of the item. These items can be found from the very start of the game, however they are quite rare, but most will be more powerful than other items found at similar levels. Mutable items can usually be identified because once identified the item name often has a prefix and up to two postfixes. Mutable items are not fixed in the database but are rather generated on the fly when they are found.

Legacy Weapons/Armor

Legacy weapons/armor are another class of special items. Legacy gear actually levels along with you. Initially these items may seem rather weak but as you gain levels, so does the item. As items level they become stronger and start acquireing enchantments. The names of legacy items do not stand out from their base item, but can be identified because they are very rare items with common names. Like Mutable items, legacy items are not fixed within the database but can take on many different configurations of enchantments. Unlike Mutable items which have their power set at the level they were found, legacy items get stronger as the wielder gets stronger.

Legendary Gear

Legendary gear is the most powerful gear that can be found in the game. Legendary gear is extremely rare and can be identified by its yellow colored name in your inventory. Legendary gear is normally named after the NPCs that first appear in the Legends score table. Legendary gear always has 3 enchants on it, typically of use to the class that the original owner was. For example, if you find Nina's item the enchants are most benificial to the wizard class, while Elan's item is most useful to a warrior. Legendary items also always come with 3 open sockets.

Magic Spells

A function key system for spells, like the one in "The Land" also exits in Quest. This system allows you to save your 9 most common spells into the function keys for easy access. F1 always contains the last spell cast. To program a function key, press 'm' for magic, then type the name of the spell, when the full spell name appears, press the F-key you want to store the spell into, then press <ENTER>. Now all you have to do to cast that spell is press the F-key you assigned the spell to and that spell will be cast.

Spell name entry has been made as easy to swallow as possible, start type the name of your spell, as soon as the computer can see your character string as a unique spell name, it will come up with the rest of the name for you, if this is the spell you wish to cast, just press <ENTER>, otherwise you can press the backspace to continue entering a name.

The spell "Sticks to Snakes" works only in the combat mode and not in the standard dungeon mode. so dont cast this spell unless you are in the combat mode.


Weapons, armor, rings, and necklaces may now be found with sockets. Each socket will appear on the name line as () if it is empty or else between the parenthesis will be the effect generated from whatever is in the socket.

To socket a gem or jewel into a socketed item, <U>se the gem or jewel and then select the item in the inventory screen that you want to socket with the gem. An item can have a maximum of 3 sockets, once all the sockets on an item are full, you cannot add any more socketable items.

Socket Effects

STR+ - Increases strength
DEX+ - Increases dexterity
INT+ - Increases intelligence
WIS+ - Increases wisdom
CON+ - Increases constitution
CHR+ - Increases charisma
Mp+ - Increases mana
Hp+ - Increases health
AP+ - Increases attack power
DEF+ - Increases armour protection
Hit+ - Incrases chance to hit
HpR+ - Increases health regeneration rate
MnR+ - Increases mana regeneration rate
All+ - Increases all base stats
Exp+ - Increases experience gained
MF+ - Increases chance to find rarer items
Hp/Mp+ - Increases both health and mana points
MGR+ - Increases magic resistance
MLV+ - Increases monster level
CRT+ - Increases chance for critical damage
DDG+ - Increases dodge chance
SPP+ - Increases spell power

Item Colors

Unidentified Cyan
Common Gray
Uncommon White
Rare Green
Very Rare Blue
Utra Rare Purple
Legendary/Unique Yellow


When an item is picked up for the first time there is a chance that you will automatically identify the item. The rarer the item is the less likely you will be able to auto identify it. Increased Lore skill will increase the chances for auto identification.

Rarity Base Chance Increase per point of Lore
Common 100.000%
Uncommon 25.000% 5.000%
Rare 2.500% 0.100%
Very Rare 0.250% 0.015%
Ultra Rare 0.025% 0.002%


Rebirth allows you to begin the game again with your character. During the rebirth process you will be able to select a new class and select whether you want to play in normal, heroic, or epic mode. Your character will start again at level 1 with level 1 stats.

Why would you want to do rebirth? Simply put you get to start over with all your current inventory! So if you found some powerful gear you can start the game over already possessing that gear. This allows you to complete the game quicker and therefore place higher on the Hall of Legends score table. In addition to this every rebirth adds to your magic find stat making it easier to find that better gear!

During rebirth you will not lose any trophies you have already collected, but any progress towards trophies you have not yet acquired will be reset and you will have to begin your journey towards those trophies again.

Any quest rewards or items will be removed from your inventory during rebirth, so if you have any quest items belonging to object quests, you may want to consider not performing a rebirth until after completing the object quest. There is an exception to this, one of the object quests requires a large number of components, these components are not considered quest objects and will not be removed. It should be fairly obvious which items these are. Objects acquired as the result of an object quest are not considered quest objects and will not be removed by rebirth.

In order to perform the Ritual of Rebirth, visit any druidic temple. If you qualify for the ritual it will appear as one of the options. In order to qualify you must have completed the main goal of the game and not be playing in casual mode.

Notes to get you started

Note about Score Tables

There are 4 different high score tables maintained by the game. They are as follows:
Legends This table contains the highest level attained by class. This table is pre-filled with a selection of NPCs.
High Scores This table holds the highest level attained by class. This table starts empty.
Hall of Legends This table holds those heroes who have actually completed the main goal of the game.
Hall of Remembrance This table holds those heroes who have fallen.